Our Story
感恩大地對我們的愛護,與樹木展現無窮的生命力,"金祐圓" 經典茶樹精油,滴滴茶樹精油得來不易,處處是我們的用心。我們推出十種茶樹精油相關產品:茶樹柔順洗髮精、茶樹保濕沐浴精、茶樹潔顏慕斯、茶樹控油水分子、茶樹保濕玫瑰水分子、茶樹防蚊液、茶樹煥顏面膜、茶樹&椰子油牙膏、茶樹漱口水、茶樹&椰子油護髮油。我們的產品絕不參雜有害人體的化學物質,都是使用高級天然原料,適合全家大人、小孩、孕婦。我們主原物料:茶樹精油來自大武山金祐圓農場茶樹,親自採摘、新鮮萃取; 椰子油來自斯里蘭卡佛寺朋友栽種的椰子樹,以及採用歐盟認證、FDA認證的冷壓初榨椰子油。
上天賜予我們的茶樹精油、椰子油有大武山神、土地公的庇佑,和好友貴人的祝福。我們對原料高品質的堅持,這不同他牌產品原料來自實驗室。美國國家衛生研究院(National Institutes of Health, NIH)於1998年,把精油芳療的身心療法(Body-mind intervention)納入國家輔助及另類醫學中心 (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NCCAM) (註2)。 我們積極參與公益贊助病房,使用茶樹精油,舒緩病人身心,高品質的產品受到顧客樂烈歡迎。
註1, 註2: 施玟玲 Shi, Winlin. (2015). 澳洲茶樹精油的生物活性 Biological activity of Australia tea tree oil. 科學發展 Science Development, 506, 44-49.
In appreciation of protection under mother nature, and inspiration from vibrant trees, it is our sincerity to present you with high quality of King Yoyuan classic tea tree oil. We are proud to present a series of refined and classic products, making from tea tree oil. They are tea tree oil, smoothing shampoo, moisturizing shower gel, facial cleansing mousse, oil control mist toner, revitalizing facial mask, mosquito repellents, tea tree & coconut oil toothpaste, mouthwash, and hair treatment oil. We never put harmful chemicals into our products. We are picky about the quality of ingredients. Our products are made from high quality and natural ingredients, and they are suitable for whole family members: kids, and pregnant women. Our main ingredient: tea tree oil is freshly extracted and picked from King Yoyuan farm surrounded by Dawu Mountain natural environments. Coconut oil is from Sri Lankan buddhist temple supported by my Dharma friend, Ven. R. Seewali. Cold-pressed coconut oil is certified with USDA, EU, FDA, JAS Organic Certifications.
Our tea tree oil and coconut oil are blessed by the gods of Dawu Mountain and Land, and supported by great friends. Our persistence in using good quality of ingredients in our products is never compromised. This makes our products stand-out unlike other brands whose ingredients are from the laboratory. Since National Institute of Health (NIH) supported National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) inclusive of "body-mind intervention" in 1998, aromatherapy has been introduced to "body-mind intervention"2. In support of aromatherapy in "body-mind intervention", we donated tea tree oil, shampoo, and shower gel to hospitals. Our mission is not only to improve general health, but also to carry out social responsibility. We are pleased to receive positive feedbacks from customers. It is our ambition to make good quality of products that benefits our body and mind.
1 & 2 施玟玲 Shi, Winlin. (2015). 澳洲茶樹精油的生物活性 Biological activity of Australia tea tree oil. 科學發展 Science Development, 506, 44-49.