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記得在澳洲留學期間,得知自二次世界大戰開始,澳洲士兵配備澳洲茶樹精油,並用於口腔衛生保健(註1)。 澳洲家庭急救箱必備澳洲茶樹精油,用茶樹精油塗抹以舒緩身體。回台灣後,一直念念不忘澳洲茶樹精油令人舒爽的大自然香氣。 於2005年,有一次因緣去斯里蘭卡旅行,參拜佛陀悟道的菩提樹子樹 (西元前288年栽種),受到樹木生命延續生生不息的感動,成為愛樹人,許下種樹的願望。 台灣土地寸土寸金,買地種樹談何容易,不知是否為祖先保佑,於2015年購得土地,在雄偉的大武山下 ,種下心中期待已久的台灣原生種珍貴樹木和澳洲茶樹 。 由小樹苗開始栽種,以天然湧泉灌溉,絕不用除草劑與化學農藥, 現在已成一片生氣勃勃的森林,不時見到鳥與蝴蝶於林中飛舞 。家中小孩樂當小幫手幫忙澆水,快樂地在美麗大自然裡玩水。 KI...

As remembering the time studying in Australia, I got to know that the use of Australia tea tree oil started in World War Two, Australian soldiers were equipped with Australia tea tree oil. Australia tea tree oil is used for oral hygiene1. Almost every Australian family stocks tea tree oil in a first aid kit. Australia tea tree oil is used to ease discomfort. Although I left Australia many years ago, I still remember the graceful and pleasant smell of Australia tea tree. It is the smell of natural beauty and freshness. In 2005, I visited Sri Lanka on one occasion, and I worshipped the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi tree, planted in 288 BC. I was inspired and ...

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品牌理念 Philosophy

1 誠信 真誠 2 友善環境 永續發展 3 崇尚天然 追求品質 4 萃取幸福、快樂 5 社會責任

Our company always adheres to 1 integrity & sincerity, 2 eco-friendly & eco-sustainable principles, 3 pursuing natural and high quality of products, 4 happiness generators, and 5 social responsibility.

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